
Gallirallus australis Photo by Sid Mosdell (Wikipedia) Common name:weka (en); frango-d’água-austral (pt); râle wéka (fr); rascón weka (es); wekaralle (de)Taxonomy:Order GruiformesFamily RallidaeRange:This species is endemic to New Zealand, being found in scattered location along the eastern coast of North Islands,  in the northern and south-western areas of South Island, in the islands of Chatham and…

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Moustached antpitta

Grallaria alleni Photo by Steve Blain (Steve Blain presents “Bird Porn”) Common name:moustached antpitta (en); tuvacuçu-de-bigodes (pt); grallaire à moustaches (fr); tororoí bigotudo (es); grauscheitel-ameisenpitta (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily FormicariidaeRange:This species is only found in the western slope of the Central Andes in Colombia, and both Andean slopes in northern Ecuador.Size:These birds are 16-17 cm long and…

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Slaty-bellied tesia

Tesia olivea Photo by Christoph Moning (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:slaty-bellied tesia (en); tesia-de-barriga-ardósia (pt); tésie à ventre ardoise (fr); tesia pizarrosa (es); goldscheiteltesia (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily SylviidaeRange:This species is found from eastern Nepal and extreme north-eastern India to southern China, and south to Myanmar, north-western Thailand, northern Laos and northern Vietnam.Size:These birds are 9-10 cm…

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Bearded wood-partridge

Dendrortyx barbatus (Photo from Polski Kurnik) Common name:bearded wood-partridge (en); codorniz-de-Veracruz (pt); colin barbu (fr); colín barbudo (es); bartwachtel (de)Taxonomy:Order GalliformesFamily OdontophoridaeRange:This species is endemic to Mexico, being confined to a few areas in Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, north and east of Mexico City.Size:These birds are 22-36 cm long and weigh…

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Grounscraper thrush

Psophocichla litsitsirupa Photo by Ian White (Flickr) Common name:groundscraper thrush (en); tordo-de-peito-malhado (pt); merle litsitsipura (fr); zorzal litsitsirupa (es); akaziendrossel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TurdidaeRange:This species occurs in two separate areas in Africa. The subspecies P.l. simensis is only found in the highlands of Ethiopia and Eritrea, while three other subspecies occur from Tanzania, southern D.R. Congo…

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European bee-eater

Merops apiaster Photo by Pierre Dalous (Wikipedia) Common name:European bee-eater (en); abelharuco-comum (pt); guêpier d’Europe (fr); abejaruco europeo (es); bienenfresser (de)Taxonomy:Order CoraciiformesFamily MeropidaeRange:This species breeds in southern Europe, from Portugal to northern France and east to the Ukraine and Turkey, and into south-western Asia through Israel, Iraq and Iran, into south-western Russia, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan….

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Little friarbird

Philemon citreogularis Photo by Jeremy Ringma (Flickr) Common name:little friarbird (en); frade-de-garganta-amarela (pt); polochion à menton jaune (fr); filemón goligualdo (es); glattstirn-lederkopf (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MeliphagidaeRange:This species is found in eastern and northern Australia, as well as in southern New Guinea.Size:These birds are 25-29 cm long and weigh 48-84 g.Habitat:The little friarbird is mostly found in…

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Collared flycatcher

Ficedula albicollis Photo by Andrej Chudy (Flickr) Common name:collared flycatcher (en); papa-moscas-de-colar (pt); gobemouche à collier (fr); papamoscas collarino (es); halsbandschnäpper (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MuscicapidaeRange:This species breeds in eastern Europe, as far west as north-eastern France and Italy, as far north as Lithuania and Belarus, and south to Bulgaria and east into near Russia as far…

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