Boulder chat

Pinarornis plumosus Photo by Adam Riley (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:boulder chat (en); chasco-das-rochas (pt); rochassier des éboulis (fr); zorzal roquero (es); steindroßling (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MuscicapidaeRange:This species is found in eastern Botswana, Zimbabwe, marginally into western Mozambique and north to south-eastern Zambia and southern Malawi.Size:These birds are 23-27 cm long and weigh around 65 g.Habitat:The…

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Crested bunting

Melophus lathami Photo by Sharad Agrawal (India Nature Watch) Common name:crested bunting (en); escrevedeira-de-poupa (pt); bruant huppé (fr); escribano crestado (es); haubenammer (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily EmberizidaeRange:This species is found from southern China, northern Vietnam, northern Laos and north-western Thailand, west to Nepal, central and north-western India, and northern Pakistan.Size:These birds are 16 cm long and weigh…

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Northern pygmy-owl

Glaucidium gnoma Photo by Anne Elliott (Flickr) Common name:northern pygmy-owl (en); coruja-anã-nortenha (pt); chevêchette naine (fr); mochuelo gnomo (es); gnomenkauz (de)Taxonomy:Order StrigiformesFamily StrigidaeRange:This species is found in western North America, from south-eastern Alaska, British Columbia and Alberta south to Utah and southern California.Size:These bird are 17-19 cm long and weigh 60-75 g.Habitat:The northern pygmy-owl is…

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Yellow-browed bulbul

Iole indica (Photo from Canopy) Common name:yellow-browed bulbul (en); tuta-de-sobrolho-dourado (pt); bulbul à sourcils d’or (fr); bulbul cejiamarillo (es); goldbrauenbülbül (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PycnonotidaeRange:This species is found along the south-western coast of India, from Maharashtra to Kerala, and also further east in Andhra Pradesh, and in Sri Lanka.Size:These birds are 20 cm long and weigh 27-34…

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Mayotte drongo

Dicrurus waldenii Photo by Roger le Guen (Flickr) Common name:Mayotte drongo (en); drongo-de-Mayotte (pt); drongo de Mayotte (fr); drongo de la Mayotte (es); Mayottedrongo (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily DicruridaeRange:This species is endemic to the island of Mayotte in the Comoro island group, noth of Madagascar. There it occurs sparsely and locally, especially in the northern and western…

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Green pygmy-goose

Nettapus pulchellus Photo by Tony Ashton (Tyto Tony) Common name:green pygmy-goose (en); ganso-anão-australiano (pt); anserelle élégante (fr); gansito-australiano (es); Australische zwergente (de) Taxonomy:Order AnseriformesFamily Anatidae Range:This species is found in northern and eastern Australia and in southern New Guinea. Also in the Lesser Sundas, Moluccas and Sulawesi, but possibly only outside the breeding season.Size:These birds…

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Puvel's illadopsis

Illadopsis puveli Photo by Krzysztof Blachowiak (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:Puvel’s illadopsis (en); falso-tordo-de-Cacine (pt); akalat de Puvel (fr); tordina de Puvel (es); großfuß-buschdrossling (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TimaliidaeRange:This African species is patchily distributed, with two disjunct subspecies. I.p. puveli is found is West Africa, from Senegal to Togo, while I.p. strenuipes occurs in a few patches…

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Alexandrine parakeet

Psittacula eupatria Photo by Michael Schmolz (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:Alexandrine parakeet (en); piriquito-de-Alexandre (pt); perruche alexandre (fr); cotorra alejandrina (es); Alexandersittich (de)Taxonomy:Order PsittaciformesFamily PsittacidaeRange:This species is found from Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan, through India and Nepal and into Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, southern Laos, Cambodia and southern Vietnam.Size:These birds are 50-62 cm long and weigh…

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