African pied wagtail

Motacilla aguimp Photo by Ken Havard (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:African pied wagtail (en); alvéola-preta-e-branca (pt); bergeronnette pie (fr); lavandera africana (es); witwenstelze (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MotacillidaeRange:This species is found throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, from Guinea to Ethiopia and south to South Africa, as well as along the Nile valley north to southern Egypt. They…

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Olivaceous thornbill

Chalcostigma olivaceum Photo by Steve Arlow (Neotropical Birds) Common name:olivaceous thornbill (en); colibri-oliváceo (pt); métallure olivâtre (fr); colibrí oliváceo (es); braunes glanzschwänzchen (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily TrochilidaeRange:This species is patchily distributed along the high Andes of southern Peru and northern Bolivia, from the Cordillera Blanca south to La Paz.Size:These birds are 12-15 cm long and weigh 6,5-9…

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Canyon wren

Catherpes mexicanus Photo by Waldemar Sikorski (Photography on the Net) Common name:canyon wren (en); carriça-dos-desfiladeiros (pt); troglodyte des canyons (fr); cucarachero barranquero (es); schluchtenzaunkönig (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TroglodytidaeRange:This species is western North America, from British Columbia to Minnesota and South Dakota and south to Mexico as far as Chiapas.Size:These birds are 11-15 cm long and have…

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Malia grata Photo by Rob Hutchinson (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:malia (en); malia (pt); malia des Célèbes (fr); timalí malia (es); mooswaldtimalie (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TimaliidaeRange:This species indemic to the island of Sulawesi, in Indonesia, being restricted to the mountain forests located inland.Size:These birds are 28-29 cm long.Habitat:The malia is only found in primary mountain rainforests,…

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Musk lorikeet

Glossopsitta concinna Photo by Doug Janson (Wikipedia) Common name:musk lorikeet (en); lóri-almiscarado (pt); lori à bandeau rouge (fr); lori almizclero (es); moschuslori (de)Taxonomy:Order PsittaciformesFamily PsittacidaeRange:This species is endemic to south-eastern Australia, being found from south-eastern Queensland to Victoria and south-eastern South Australia. It also occurs in Tasmania.Size:These birds are 20-23 cm long and weigh 50-90…

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Siffling cisticola

Cisticola brachypterus Photo by David Beadle (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:siffling cisticola (en); fuinha-de-asa-curta (pt); cisticole à ailes courtes (fr); cistícola alicorto (es); kurzflügel-zistensänger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily CisticolidaeRange:This species is found in sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal to Ethiopia and south to Angola, Zambia and southern Mozambique. They are mostly absent from the Congo river basin.Size:These birds…

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Chestnut-breasted malkoha

Phaenicophaeus curvirostris Photo by Lip Kee Yap (Wikipedia) Common name:chestnut-breasted malkoha (en); malcoa-de-peito-castanho (pt); malcoha rouverdin (fr); malcoha pechicastaño (es); schimmerkuckuck (de)Taxonomy:Order CuculiformesFamily CuculidaeRange:This species is found from southern Thailand and Myanmar, through peninsular Malaysia and into Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali in Indonesia, and Palawan in the Philippines.Size:These birds are 42-49 cm long and…

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Striolated tit-spinetail

Leptasthenura striolata Photo by Eduardo Patrial (Flickr) Common name:striolated tit-spinetail (en); grimpeirinho (pt); synallaxe striolé (fr); tijeral brasileño (es); Isabellstreifen-meisenschlüpfer (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily FurnariidaeRange:This species is endemic to southern Brazil, being found from Paraná to Rio Grande do Sul.Size:These birds are 13-16 cm long and weigh 10-11 g.Habitat:The striolated tit-spinetail is mostly found in temperate forests,…

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