Rufous-backed Inca-finch

Incaspiza personata

Photo by Jacques Erard (Internet Bird Collection)

Common name:
rufous-backed Inca-finch (en); escrevedeira-inca-de-dorso-ruivo (pt); chipiu costumé (fr); semillero inca de lomo rufo (es); schwarzstirnammer (de)

Order Passeriformes
Family Emberizidae

This species is endemic to north-western Peru, being found from southern Cajamarca south to western Huanaco.

These birds are 16,5-18 cm long and weigh 30-33 g.

The rufous-backed Inca-finch is found in dry, high-altitude scrublands with cacti, agave and Puya raimondii. They occur at altitudes of 1.800-3.000 m, and occasionally up to 4.000 m.

They forage on the ground, alone or in pairs, but there is no available information on diet.

These birds breed in March-June. There is no further information on the reproduction of this species.

IUCN status – LC (Least Concern)
This species has a relatively large breeding range and is described as uncommon and patchily distributed. The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence for any declines or substantial threats.