Streak-capped antwren

Terenura maculata Photo by Luíz Ribenboim (ICMBio) Common name:streak-capped antwren (en); zidedê (pt); grisin à tête rayée (fr); tiluchí enano (es); rostrücken-ameisenfänger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ThamnophilidaeRange:This is found in south-eastern Brazil, from Bahia south to Parana and Santa Catarina, and marginally into south-eastern Paraguay and north-eastern Argentina.Size:These birds are 9-10 cm long and weigh about 7…

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Asian glossy starling

Aplonis panayensis Photo by Yap Lip Kee (Wikipedia) Common name:Asian glossy starling (en); estorninho-bronzeado (pt); stourne bronzé (fr); estornino bronceado (es); Malaienstar (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily SturnidaeRange:This species is found in southern Bangladesh and extreme eastern India, through southern Myanmar and southern Thailand and into southern Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and the Indonesian islands of Borneo, Sumatra,…

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White-faced quail-dove

Geptrygon albifacies Photo by Michael Retter (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:white-faced quail-dove (en); juriti-de-faces-brancas (pt); colombe des nuages (fr); paloma-perdiz cariblanca (es); sclatertaube (de)Taxonomy:Order ColumbiformesFamily ColumbidaeRange:This species is found from central and southern Mexico south to northwestern Nicaragua.Size:These birds are 28-36 cm long and weigh 180-300 g.Habitat:The white-faced quail-dove is found in humid evergreen and…

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House finch

Carpodacus mexicanus Photo by John Benson (Wikipedia) Common name:house finch (en); peito-rosado-doméstico (pt); roselin familier (fr); carpodaco doméstico (es); hausgimpel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily FringillidaeRange:This species is originates from Mexico, the western United States and southern British Columbia and Alberta in Canada. They were introduced in New York in the 1940s and have since colonized eastern North…

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Whistling heron

Syrigma sibilatrix Photo by Ken Erickson (Wikipedia) Common name:whistling heron (en); maria-faceira (pt); héron flûte-su-soleil (fr); garza chiflona (es); pfeifreiher (de)Taxonomy:Order CiconiiformesFamily ArdeidaeRange:This South American species has two subspecies with disjunct distributions. S.s. fostersmithi is found in eastern Colombia and in northern and western Venezuela, while S.s. sibilatrix is found from Bolivia and adjacent western…

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Cut-throat finch

Amadina fasciata Photo by Philip Perry (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:cut-throat finch (en); degolado (pt); amadine cou-coupé (fr); estrilda degollada (es); bandamadine (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily EstrildidaeRange:This species is found along the Sahel belt, from Senegal and southern Mauritania east through Mali, northern Burkina Faso, southern Niger, northern Nigeria, Southern Chad and into southern Sudan, South Sudan…

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Gurney's sugarbird

Promerops gurneyi Photo by Alan Manson (Wikipedia) Common name:Gurney’s sugarbird (en); papa-açúcar-de-Gurney (pt); promérops de Gurney (fr); mielero-abejaruco de Gurney (es); Natalhonigfresser (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PromeropidaeRange:This species is patchily distributed in south-eastern Africa, with populations along the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique and in north-eastern and eastern South Africa, including Lesotho.Size:These birds are 23-29 cm long…

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Caspian tern

Hydroprogne caspia Photo by Vladimirs Suščinskis (Ornitofaunistika) Common name:Caspian tern (en); gaivina-grande (pt); sterne caspienne (fr); pagaza piquirroja (es); raubseeschwalbe (de)Taxonomy:Order CharadriiformesFamily SternidaeRange:This species has a cosmopolitan but scattered distribution, breeding in the Baltic sea, in eastern Europe and central Asia from the southern Ukraine to western Mongolia, along the coast of China, in West…

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