Black-necked grebe

Podiceps nigricollis Photo by Gerard Visser (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:black-necked grebe (en); mergulhão-de-pescoço-preto (pt); grèbe à cou noir (fr); zampullín cuellinegro (es); schwarzhalstaucher (de)Taxonomy:Order PodicipediformesFamily PodicipedidaeRange:This species occurs in three disjunct subspecies. P.n. nigricollis breeds from western Europe to western Asia,  in central and eastern Asia as far as north-eastern China and extreme south-eastern…

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Crimson-collared grosbeak

Rhodothraupis celaeno Photo by Lew Scharpf (PBase) Common name:crimson-collared grosbeak (en); bico-grosso-de-coleira (pt); cardinal à collier (fr); picogrueso cuellirrufo (es); halsbandkardinal (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily CardinalidaeRange:This species is endemic to eastern Mexico, being found from Nuevo Léon to northern Vera Cruz and north-eastern Puebla.Size:These birds 21-22 cm long and weigh about 60 g.Habitat:The crimson-collared grosbeak is mostly…

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Blood-coloured woodpecker

Veniliornis sanguineus (Photo from Ron Allicock Birding Tours) Common name:blood-coloured woodpecker (en); pica-pau-sangue (pt); pic rougeâtre (fr); carpintero sanguíneo (es); blutrückenspecht (de)Taxonomy:Order PiciformesFamily PicidaeRange:This species is found along the coasts of Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.Size:These birds are 12-13 cm long and weigh 23-30 g.Habitat:The blood-coloured woodpecker is mostly found in mangroves and swamp forests,…

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Orange-headed thrush

Zoothera citrina (Photo from Manuk) Common name:orange-headed thrush (en); tordo-de-cabeça-laranja (pt); grive à tête orange (fr); zorzal citrino (es); damadrossel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TurdidaeRange:This species is found from southern China, west to northern Pakistan, and south into southern India, parts of Indochina and the Indonesian islands of Borneo and Java.Size:These birds are 20-23,5 cm long and…

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Streaked fantail

Rhipidura verreauxi Photo by Josep del Hoyo (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:streaked fantail (en); cauda-de-leque-malhado (pt); rhipidure tacheté (fr); abanico moteado (es); fleckenfächerschwanz (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily RhipiduridaeRange:This species is found in the Pacific archipelagos of New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji.Size:These birds are 17-18 cm long and weigh 11,5-15 g.Habitat:The streaked fantail is mostly found in moist…

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White-chested emerald

Amazilia brevirostris Photo by Fayard Mohammed (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:white-chested emerald (en); beija-flor-de-bico-preto (pt); ariane à poitrine blanche (fr); diamante colidorado (es); kurzschnabelamazilie (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily TrochilidaeRange:This species is found from central and eastern Venezuela to the French Guyana and south into Roraima in extreme northern Brazil. Also in the Caribbean island of Trinidad.Size:These birds…

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Ruby-cheeeked sunbird

Anthreptes singalensis Photo from (OK Nation) Common name:ruby-cheeked sunbird (en); beija-flor-de-faces-rubi (pt); souimanga à joues rubis (fr); suimanga carirrubí (es); rubinwangen-nektarvogel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily NectariniidaeRange:This species is found throughout South-east Asia, from north-eastern India and southern China, through Indochina and into the Indonesian islands of Java, Sumatra and Borneo.Size:These birds are 10-11 cm long and weigh…

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Wandering albatross

Diomedea exulans Common name:wandering albatross (en); albatroz-errante (pt); albatros hurleur (fr); albatros viajero (es); wanderalbatros (de)Taxonomy:Order ProcellariiformesFamily DiomedeidaeRange:This species breeds in small, remote islands of the southern oceans, namely South Georgia, Prince Edward Islands, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands and Macquarie Island. They wander over most of the southern oceans, as far south as the northernmost…

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