Purplish-mantled tanager

Iridosornis porphyrocephalus Photo by Nick Athanas (Antpitta) Common name:purplish-mantled tanager (en); sanhaçu-de-barrete-azul (pt); tangara à cape bleue (fr); tangara capiazul (es); purpurmanteltangare (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ThraupidaeRange:This species is found along the Pacific slopes of the Andes in western Colombia as far north as Chocó and south to north-western Ecuador. Also on the Central Andes of Colombia…

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Banded lapwing

Vanellus tricolor Photo by Bruce Thomson (Flickr) Common name:banded lapwing (en); abibe-tricolor (pt); vanneau tricolore (fr); avefría tricolor (es); schwarzbandkiebitz (de)Taxonomy:Order CharadriiformesFamily CharadriidaeRange:This species is found throughout most of Australia, including Tasmania, only being absent from the northernmost parts of Queensand, the Northern Territory and Western Australia.Size:These birds are 25-29 cm long and have a…

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Brown-cheeked laughingthrush

Garrulax henrici Photo by Tang Jun (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:brown-cheeked laughingthrush (en); zaragateiro-de-Henri (pt); garrulaxe de Henri (fr); charlatán de Henri (es); Prinzenhäherling (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TimaliidaeRange:This species is found in the Himalayas, in southern Xizang, China, in south-eastern Tibet, and marginally in extreme north-eastern India.Size:These birds are 24,5-26 cm long and weigh 60-70 g.Habitat:The…

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Green hermit

Phaethornis guy Photo by Larry Thompson (Discover Life) Common name:green hermit (en); rabo-branco-verde (pt); ermite vert (fr); ermitaño verde (es); grüner schattenkolibri (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily TrochilidaeRange:This species is found from Costa Rica, through Panama and Colombia, and into Ecuador and Peru. Also in western Venezuela, and in north-eastern Venezuela and the island of Trinidad.Size:These birds are…

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Collared forest-falcon

Micrastur semitorquatus Photo by Michel Giraud-Audine (GEPOG) Common name:collared forest-falcon (en); falcão-relógio (pt); carnifex à collier (fr); halcón-montés collarejo (es); kappenwaldfalke (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is found from Mexico, as far north as Tamaulipas and Nayarit, through Central America and into South America. In South America, they are found west of the Andes as far…

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Collared antshrike

Sakesphorus bernardi Photo by Rainer Seifert (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:collared antshrike (en); choca-de-coleira (pt); batara de Bernard (fr); batará collarejo (es); fleckengesicht-ameisenwürger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ThamnophilidaeRange:This species is found in western Ecuador and north-western Peru, from Manabí south to Ancash, and also in the river Marañon basin, in Cajamarca and Amazonas, northern Peru.Size:These birds are…

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Grey shrike-thrush

Colluricincla harmonica Photo by J.J. Harrison (Wikipedia) Common name:grey shrike-thrush (en); pitohui-cinzento (pt); pitohiu gris (fr); picanzo gris (es); graubrustpitohui (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PachycephalidaeRange:This species is found throughout Australia, including Tasmania, and also in eastern and southern New Guinea.Size:These birds are 22-25 cm long and weigh 58-74 g.Habitat:The grey shrike-thrush is found in a wide range…

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Giant kingfisher

Megaceryle maxima Photo by Steve Garvie (Flickr) Common name:giant kingfisher (en); guarda-rios-gigante (pt); martin-pêcheur géant (fr); martín gigante africano (es); riesenfischer (de)Taxonomy:Order CoraciiformesFamily AlcedinidaeRange:These birds are found throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, with the exception of the arid areas of Namibia, Botswana and north-western South Africa, and northern Kenya, eastern Ethiopia and Somalia.Size:The giant kingfisher…

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