Pine warbler

Dendroica pinus Photo by Ken Thomas (Wikipedia) Common name:pine warbler (en); mariquita-dos-pinhais (pt); paruline des pins (fr); reinita del pinar (es); kiefer-waldsänger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ParulidaeRange:This species breeds in south-eastern Canada and in the eastern United States, as far west as south-eastern Manitoba and north-eastern Texas, and also in the north-western Bahamas and in the island…

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Turkey vulture

Cathartes aura Photo by Luis Leal (Trek Nature) Common name:turkey vulture (en); urubu-de-cabeça-vermelha (pt); urubu à tête rouge (fr); aura gallipavo (es); truthahngeier (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily CathartidaeRange:This species is found in most of the Americas, from southern Canada down to Tierra del Fuego, including the northern Caribbean islands down to Puerto Rico. The populations in Canada…

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White-throated treecreeper

Cormobates leucophaea (Photo from Flickr) Common name:white-throated treecreeper (en); trepadeira-austral-de-garganta-branca (pt); échelet leucophée (fr); corretroncos gorjiblanco (es); weißkehl-baumrutscher (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ClimacteridaeRange:This species is endemic to eastern Australia, being found from north-eastern Queensland south to Victoria, and west into south-eastern South Australia.Size:These birds are 13-17 cm long and have a wingspan of 19-26 cm. They weigh…

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Madagascar spinetail

Zoonavena grandidieri Photo by Markus Lagerqvist (PBase) Common name:Madagascar spinetail (en); rabo-espinhoso-de-Madagáscar (pt); martinet de Grandidier (fr); vencejo malgache (es); Madagaskarflagermussejler (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily ApodidaeRange:This species has two disjunct subspecies. Z.g. grandidieri is found throughout Madagascar, while Z.g. mariae is only found on the island of Grand Comoro, in the Comoro Islands.Size:These birds are 12 cm…

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Marquesan ground-dove

Alopecoenas rubescens Photo by Josep del Hoyo (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:Marquesan ground-dove (en); pombo-perdiz-das-Marquesas (pt); gallicolombe des Marquises (fr); paloma-perdiz de las Marquesas (es); Marquesen-erdtaube (de)Taxonomy:Order ColumbiformesFamily ColumbidaeRange:This species is endemic to the Marquesas islands, in French Polynesia, only occurring on the uninhabited, cat-free islets of Hatuta’a and Fatu Huku.Size:These birds are 20 cm…

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White-rumped snowfinch

Montifringilla taczanowskii (Photo from Zoochat) Common name:white-rumped snowfinch (en); pardal-das-neves-de-Taczanowski (pt); niverolle de Taczanowski (fr); gorrión de Taczanowski (es); weißbürzel-erdsperling (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PasseridaeRange:This species is found from Tibet, northern Nepal and extreme northern India into central and northern China as far as Inner Mongolia and Ningxia.Size:These birds are 17-17,5 cm long and weigh 30-55 g.Habitat:The…

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Saffron finch

Sicalis flaveola Photo by Claudio Marcio (Flickr) Common name:saffron finch (en); canário-da-terra-verdadeiro (pt); sicale bouton-d’or (fr); chirigüe azafranado (es); safranammer (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily EmberizidaeRange:This species occur in three disjunct areas in South America. The subspecies S.f. flaveola is found in Colombia, northern Venezuela and along coastal areas of the Guianas and Trinidad. S. f. valida in…

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Black catbird

Melanoptila glabrirostris (Photo from Flickr) Common name:black catbird (en); sabiá-preto (pt); moqueur noir (fr); maullador negro (es); glanzkatzenvogel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MimidaeRange:This species is found on the Yucatán Peninsula, in south-eastern Mexico, northern Belize and northern Guatemala.Size:These birds are 19-20,5 cm long and weigh 32-42 g.Habitat:The black catbird is mostly found in dry scrublands and humid…

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