Yellowish-breasted racquet-tail

Prioniturus flavicans Photo by Simon van der Meulen (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:yellowish-breasted racquet-tail (en); papagaio-de-raquetes-amarelado (pt); palette de Cassin (fr); lorito-momoto amarillento (es); flaggenschwanzpapagei (de)Taxonomy:Order PsittaciformesFamily PsittacidaeRange:This species is endemic to Indonesia, only being found in the Minahasa Peninsula, in northern Sulawesi, and in nearby islands including the Togian Islands.Size:These birds are 37 cm…

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Ashy tit

Parus cinerascens Photo by Matt Muir (iNaturalist) Common name:ashy tit (en); chapim-cinzento (pt); mésange cendrée (fr); carbonero cinéreo (es); akazienmeise (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ParidaeRange:This species is found from southern Angola and Zimbabwe south to central South Africa.Size:These birds are 14,5-15 cm long and weigh 18,5-22 g.Habitat:The ashy tit is mostly found in dry Acacia savannas, particularly…

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Wattled honeyeater

Foulehaio carunculatus (Photo from Zoochat) Common name: wattled honeyeater (en); melífago-foulehaio (pt); méliphage foulehaio (fr); mielero foulehaio (es); schuppenkopf-honigfresser (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Meliphagidae Range: This species is found in the Pacific archipelagos of Fiji, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga and Wallis and Futuna. Size: These birds are 19-21 cm long and weigh 25-45 g….

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White-bellied antpitta

Grallaria hypoleuca Photo by Scott Olmstead (Flickr) Common name:white-bellied antpitta (en); tuvacuçu-de-barriga-branca (pt); grallaire à ventre blanc (fr); tororoí ventriblanco (es); blassbauch-ameisenpitta (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily FormicariidaeRange:The white-bellied antpitta is found along the western slopes of the Andes, from northern Colombia to extreme northern Peru.Size:These birds are 16-18 cm long and weigh 62-69 g.Habitat:This species is mostly…

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Painted spurfowl

Galloperdix lunulata Photo by Rishiraj Deval (India Nature Watch) Common name:painted spurfowl (en); perdiz-colorida (pt); galloperdrix lunulée (fr); faisancillo moteado (es); perlspornhuhn (de)Taxonomy:Order GalliformesFamily PhasianidaeRange:This species is endemic to India, being found south of the Gangetic Plain, from eastern Rajasthan to West Benghal and south to southern Karnataka and northern Tamil Nadu.Size:These birds are 27-34…

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Cocoa thrush

Turdus fumigatus Photo by Margareta Wieser (Nuestro bello mundo…) Common name:cocoa thrush (en); sabiá-da-mata (pt); merle cacao (fr); tordo acanelado (es); sabiadrossel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TurdidaeRange:This species is found in northern South America, from eastern Colombia, through Venezuela and the Guyanas and south into Brazil as far as Mato Grosso, and also in a disjunct area…

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Patagonian tyrant

Colorhamphus parvirostris Photo by Pablo Contreras (Flickr) Common name:Patagonian tyrant (en); pitajo-da-Patagónia (pt); pitajo de Patagonie (fr); peutrén (es); Patagonienschmätzertyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species breeds from Temuco, in central Chile and adjacent Argentina, south to Tierra del Fuego. Outside the breeding season they can move further north up to La Serena.Size:These birds are 11-14,5 cm…

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Yellow-browed woodpecker

Piculus aurulentus Photo by Ricardo Gentil (Flickr) Common name:yellow-browed woodpecker (en); pica-pau-dourado (pt); pic à bandeaux (fr); carpintero cejigualdo (es);weißbrauenspecht (de)Taxonomy:Order PiciformesFamily PicidaeRange:This species is found in south-eastern Brazil, from Espírito Santo down to Rio Grande do Sul, and marginally into south-eastern Paraguay and extreme north-eastern Argentina.Size:These birds are 20-22 cm long and weigh about…

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