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Photo by Nick Athanas (Antpitta) |
Common name:
green-fronted lancebill (en); bico-de-lança-de-testa-verde (pt); porte-lance de Louise (fr); colibrí picolanza mayor (es); grünstirn-lanzettschnabel (de)
Order Apodiformes
Family Trochilidae
This species is found from Costa Rica to Colombia and western Venezuela, and along the ndes down to central Bolivia.
These birds are 13 cm long and weigh 5-6 g.
The green-fronted lancebill is mostly found in mountain rainforests, also using rainforests at lower altitudes and moist tropical scrublands. They are present at altitudes of 750-2.300 m.
They feed mainly on nectar of various plants, including epiphytes, scrubs, herbs and trees, usually preferring small, colourful and scented flowers. They also take some small spiders and insects.
These birds breed in July-January. The males are polygamous, mating with several females and having no further part in the breeding process. Each female builds the nest alone, consisting of a small cup made of plant fibres, rootlets and spider webs and lined with moss, soft plant fibers, animal hair and feather down. It is placed in a rocky ledge or tree hollow, up to 20 m above the ground and usually near a stream. The female lays 1-2 white eggs which she incubates alone for 20-21 days. She feeds the chicks alone and they fledge 29-30 days after hatching.
IUCN status – LC (Least Concern)
This species has a large breeding range and is described as uncommon. There is no information on population trends.