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Superb lyrebird

Menura novaehollandia Common name: superb lyrebird (en); pássaro-lira-soberbo (pt); Mérure superbe (fr); ave-lira soberbia (es); graurücken-leierschwanz (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Menuridae Range: These birds are native of south-eastern Australia, being found from southern Victoria to south-eastern Queensland. They were introduced to southern Tasmania. Size: The superb lyrebird is 80-100 cm long and weighs 975…

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Black-eared wheatear

Oenanthe hispanica Common name: black-eared wheatear (en); chasco-ruivo (pt); traquet oreillard (fr); collalba rubia (es); mittelmeer-steinschmätzer (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Muscicapidae Range: The black-eared wheatear breeds in southern Europe, North Africa, and through the Arabian Peninsula and Middle East into Asia, as far east as the Caspian Sea, southwest Kazakhstan and Iran. They migrate…

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Amur falcon

Falco amurensis Common name: Amur falcon (en); falcão-de-Amur (pt); falcon de l’Amour (fr); cernícalo del Amur (es); Amurfalke (de) Taxonomy: Order Falconiformes Family Falconidae Range: This species breeds in south-eastern Siberia, northern China and North Korea and has an extremely long migration, wintering in southern Africa in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique and north-eastern South Africa….

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Point-tailed palmcreeper

Berlepschia rikeri Common name: point-tailed palmcreeper (en); limpa-folha-do-buriti (pt); anabate des palmiers (fr); palmero (es); palmsteiger (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Furnariidae Range: This South American species is found from southern Venezuela and the Guyanas, into Amazonian and eastern Brazil down to Mato Grosso and Goiás, and through south-eastern Colombia, eastern Peru and north-eastern Bolivia….

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Hermit thrush

Catharus guttatus Common name: hermit thrush (en); sabia-eremita (pt); grive solitaire (fr); zorzal ermitaño (es); einsiedlerdrossel (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Turdidae Range: This North American species breeds in the western and northeastern United States into Alaska and in much of the southern half of Canada. They winter further south, along the western coast of…

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Great bustard

Otis tarda Common name: great bustard (en); abetarda-comum (pt); grande outarde (fr); avutarda común (es); großtrappe (de) Taxonomy: Order Gruiformes Family Otididae Range: The great bustard is found scattered across the temperate latitudes of Europe, northern Africa and Asia, breeding in Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Ukraine,…

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Four-coloured bushshrike

Telophorus viridis Common name: four-coloured bushshrike (en); picanço-quadricolor (pt); gladiateur quadricolore (fr); bubú verde (es); vierfarbenwürger (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Malaconotidae Range: This African species occurs in two separate populations, one along the coast of Tanzania and Kenya and the other in Mozambique, eastern Zimbabwe and north-eastern South Africa. Size: These birds are 19…

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Rose robin

Petroica rosea Common name: rose robin (en); rouxinol-rosado (pt); miro rosé (fr); petroica rosada (es); rosenschnäpper (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Petroicidae Range: The rose robin is endemic to Australia, being found in the south-easternmost areas of the country, along the coast and Great Dividing Range from south-east Queensland down to Victoria. Size: These birds…

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