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Sierra Madre sparrow

Xenospiza baileyi Photo by Miguel Manzo (NaturaLista) Common name:Sierra Madre sparrow (en); escrevedeira-serrana (pt); bruant des sierras (fr); sabanero serrano (es); sierraammer (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily EmberizidaeRange:This species is endemic to central Mexico, where it only occurs in two disjunct areas, one in Distrito federal, near Mexico City, and another in southern Durango.Size:These birds are 14-15 cm…

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Copper-rumped hummingbird

Amazilia tobaci (Photo from Wikipedia) Common name:copper-rumped hummingbird (en); beija-flor-de-uropígio-acobreado (pt); ariane de Félicie (fr); amazilia de Tobago (es); kupferbürzelamazilie (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily TrochilidaeRange:This species is found throughout most of northern, central and eastern Venezuela, as well as in Trinidad and Tobago.Size:These birds are 8,5-11 cm long and weigh 4-5 g.Habitat:The copper-rumped hummingbird is found in…

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African golden weaver

Ploceus subaureus Photo by Guy Poisson (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:African golden weaver (en); tecelão-amarelo (pt); tisserin jaune (fr); tejedor dorado africano (es); goldweber (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PloceidaeRange:This species is found in East Africa, from south-eastern Kenya, through Tanzania and Mozambique, and into Swaziland and south-eastern South Africa.Size:This species is about 15 cm long. Males tend…

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Chinese pond-heron

Ardeola bacchus Photo by Foozi Saad (Trek Nature) Common name:Chinese pond-heron (en); papa-ratos-da-China (pt); crabier chinois (fr); garcilla china (es); Bacchusreiher (de)Taxonomy:Order Ciconiiformes Family ArdeidaeRange:This species breeds throughout the eastern half of China, as well as in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and marginally into extreme south-eastern Russia. They migrate south to winter from southern China south to…

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White-necked myna

Streptocitta albicollis Photo by Ethan Chan (Flickr) Common name:white-necked myna (en); mainá-pescoço-branco (pt); streptocitte à cou blanc (fr); miná cuelliblanco (es); weißhalsatzel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily SturnidaeRange:This species is endemic to the island of Sulawesi, in Indonesia.Size:These birds are about 50 cm long, including the 25-30 cm long tail. Habitat:The white-necked myna is mostly found in moist…

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Western spindalis

Spindalis zena Photo by John Schwarz (Birdspix) Common name:western spindais (en); zena-de-cuba (pt); zéna à tête rayée (fr); cigua cubana (es); Kuba-streifenkopftangare (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ThraupidaeRange:This species is found in the northern Caribbean, in the Bahamas, Cuba, Turks and Caicos, on Grand Cayman island, and on the island of Cozumel off the coast of the Yucatán…

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White-eared barbet

Stactolaema leucotis Photo by Johan van Rensburg (Wikipedia) Common name:white-eared barbet (en); barbaças-de-orelhas-brancas (pt); barbican oreillard (fr); barbudo orejiblanco (es); weißohr-bartvogel (de)Taxonomy:Order PiciformesFamily CapitonidaeRange:This species occur in two disjunct areas in eastern Africa. The subspecies S.l. kilimensis is found in central and south-eastern Kenya, and in north-eastern Tanzania, while subspecies S.l. leucotis is found from…

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