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Island monarch

Monarcha cinerascens Photo by Joseph Monkhouse (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:island monarch (en); monarca-ilhéu (pt); monarque des ilês (fr); monarca isleño (es); graukopfmonarch (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily Monarchidae Range:This species is found in the islands of eastern Indonesia, west of New Guinea, including Timor, Sulawesi, the Moluccas and the Lesser Sundas, and also on the islands off…

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Beautiful jay

Cyanolyca pulchra Photo by Andrew Spencer (Facebook) Common name:beautiful jay (en); gaio-formoso (pt); geai superbe (fr); chara hermosa (es); schmuckhäher (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily CorvidaeRange:This species is found in the western slopes of the Andes, from central Colombia to northern Ecuador.Size:These birds are about 27 cm long.Habitat:The beautiful jay is found in subtropical rainforests, favouring areas with…

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Long-tailed duck

Clangula hyemalis Photo by Wolfgang Wander (Wikipedia) Common name:long-tailed duck (en); pato-de-cauda-afilada (pt); harelde kakawi (fr); pato havelda (es); eisente (de)Taxonomy:Order AnseriformesFamily AnatidaeRange:This species breeds in northernmost latitudes of Eurasia and North America, from Iceland, Scandinavia and the Baltic, throughout northern Russia, and into Alaska, northern Canada and western and southern Greenland. They migrate south…

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White-browed tit-warbler

Leptopoecile sophiae Photo by Andrey Kovalenko (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:white-browed tit-warbler (en); chapim-de-Sophie (pt); mésange de Sophie (fr); carbonerito de Sophie (es); purpurhähnchen (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily SylviidaeRange:This species is found in central China and along the Himalayas mountain range into north-western China, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and marginally into northern India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.Size:These birds are…

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Red-cheeked parrot

Geoffroyus geoffroyi Photo by Mehd Halaouate (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:red-cheeked parrot (en); papagaio-de-faces-vermelhas (pt); perruche de Geoffroy (fr); lorito carirrojo (es); rotkopfpapagei (de)Taxonomy:Order PsittaciformesFamily PsittacidaeRange:This species is found in New Guinea and in other islands of eastern Indonesia including the Moluccas, the Lesser Sundas and Timor. There is also a population in the Cape…

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Cinereous ground-tyrant

Muscisaxicola cinereus Photo by Cristian Pinto (ArgentAvis) Common name:cinereous ground-tyrant (en); gaúcha-cinza (pt); dormilon cendré (fr); dormilona cenicienta (es); graubraun-grundtyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found along the Andes mountain range, from southern Peru down to central Chile and western Argentina as far south as Chillán.Size:These birds are 15-17 cm long and weigh about 20…

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Ultramarine flycatcher

Ficedula superciliaris Photo by Michael Gillam (Flickr) Common name:ultramarine flycatcher (en); papa-moscas-azul-ultramarino (pt); gobemouche ultramarin (fr); papamoscas ultramarino (es); brauenschnäpper (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MuscicapidaeRange:This species breeds from eastern Afghanistan, through the Himalayas mountain range and into southern China. They migrate south to winter in southern China, Myanmar, northern Thailand and central and north-eastern India.Size:These birds are…

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Pheasant coucal

Centropus phasianinus Photo by James Niland (Flickr) Common name:pheasant coucal (en); cucal-faisão (pt); coucal faisan (fr); cucal faisán (es); fasanspornkuckuck (de)Taxonomy:Order CuculiformesFamily CuculidaeRange:This species is found in northern and eastern Australia, as far south as Sidney, and also in the lowlands of Papua New-Guinea and in the island of Timor both in Timor Leste and…

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