Slaty-backed chat-tyrant

Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris Photo by Nick Athanas (Antpitta) Common name:slaty-backed chat-tyrant (en); pitajo-negro (pt); pitajo noir (fr); pitajo negro (es); schiefermantel-schmätzertyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found along the Andes mountain range, from western Venezuela south to central Bolivia.Size:These birds are 12-13 cm long and weigh 12 g.Habitat:The slaty-backed chat-tyrant is mostly found in dense vegetation…

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Pearly-vented tody-tyrant

Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer Photo by Hector Bottai (Wikipedia) Common name:pearly-vented tody-tyrant (en); sebinho-de-olho-dourado (pt); todirostre à ventre perle (fr); titirijí perlado (es); perlbauch-todityrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found in two disjunct areas of South America. They are found in western and northern Colombia and throughout northern Venezuela into western Guyana. Also from Bolivia and central…

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Yellow-bellied tyrannulet

Ornithion semiflavum Photo by Nick Athanas (Antpitta) Common name:yellow-bellied tyrannulet (en); poiaeiro-de-barriga-amarela (pt); tyranneau à ventre jaune (fr); mosquerito ventriamarillo (es); gelbbauch-kleintyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found from southern Mexico to western Panama.Size:These birds are 8 cm long and weigh 7-8 g.Habitat:The yellow-bellied is mostly found in moist tropical forests, also using forest edges,…

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White-throated spadebill

Platyrinchus mystaceus Photo by Dario Sanches (Flickr) Common name:white-throated spadebill (en); patinho (pt); platyrhynque à moustaches (fr); picoplano bigotudo (es); gelbscheitel-breitschnabeltyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found from Costa Rica south to central Bolivia, Paraguay, southern Brazil and extreme north-eastern Argentina, only being present east of the Andes mountain chain. They are mostly absent from…

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Cliff flycatcher

Hirundinea ferruginea Photo by Dusan Brinkhuizen (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:cliff flycatcher (en); gibão-de-couro (pt); moucherolle hirondelle (fr); birro castaño (es); schwalbentyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species has a disjunct distribution. Subspecies H.f. ferruginea found in the northern Amazon basin, in south-eastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, the Guyanas and north-western Brazil. H.f. sclateri is found along the…

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White monjita

Xolmis irupero Photo by Cláudio Timm (Wikipedia) Common name:white monjita (en); noivinha-branca (pt); pépoaza irupéro (fr); monjita blanca (es); weißnonnentyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found in eastern Brazil, from Ceará to Espírito Santo, and from Mato Grosso do Sul and Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil,  to Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and northern Argentina.Size:These birds are…

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Ruddy-tailed flycatcher

Terenotriccus erythrurus Photo by Anselmo d’Affonseca (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:ruddy-tailed flycatcher (en); papa-moscas-uirapuru (pt); moucherolle rougequeue (fr); mosquerito colirrufo (es); rotschwanztyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found from southernmost Mexico, Guatemala and Belize south to central Bolivia and brazil down to Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Maranhão.Size:These tiny flycatchers are 9-10 cm long and weigh…

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Bright-rumped attila

Attila spadiceus Photo by Greg Lavaty (Osa Recording Project) Common name:bright-rumped attila (en); capitão-de-saíra-amarelo (pt); atila polimorfo (es); gelbbürzel-attilatyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found from western and southern Mexico south to Bolivia and north-western Brazil. There is also a disjunct population in coastal south-eastern Brazil, from Pernambuco to Rio de Janeiro.Size:These birds are 18-19…

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