Vinous-throated parrotbill

Paradoxornis webbianus (Photo from Natural Island, Yea! Taiwan) Common name:vinous-throated parrotbill (en); bico-de-papagaio-de-Webb (pt); paradoxornis de Webb (fr); picoloro de Webb (es); braunkopf-papageischnabel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ParadoxornithidaeRange:This species is found in throughout eastern China, and into Korea and extreme south-eastern Russia, as well as Taiwan. It has also been introduced in Italy, where feral populations are…

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Grey-hooded parrotbill

Paradoxornis zappeyi Photo by Jeff Blincow (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:grey-hooded parrotbill  (en); bico-de-papagaio-de-capuz (pt); paradoxornis de Zappey (fr); picoloro encapuchado (es); grauhauben-papageimeise (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ParadoxornithidaeRange:This species is endemic to China, only being found in the mountains of south-central Sichuan and western Guizhou. Size:These birds are 12-13 cm long and weigh 10 g.Habitat:The grey-hooded parrotbill…

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Reed parrotbill

Paradoxornis heudei Photo by Coke Smith (Coke & Som Smith Photography) Common name:reed parrotbill (en); bico-de-papagaio-do-Yangtzé (pt); paradoxornis du Yangtsé (fr); picoloro del Yangtsé (es); Jangtsepapageimeise (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ParadoxornithidaeRange:This Asian species occurs in two separate areas, one in north-eastern China, and across the border into Mongolia and Russia, and another in south-eastern China, along the Yangtze river.Size:These…

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