Collared forest-falcon

Micrastur semitorquatus Photo by Michel Giraud-Audine (GEPOG) Common name:collared forest-falcon (en); falcão-relógio (pt); carnifex à collier (fr); halcón-montés collarejo (es); kappenwaldfalke (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is found from Mexico, as far north as Tamaulipas and Nayarit, through Central America and into South America. In South America, they are found west of the Andes as far…

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Yellow-headed caracara

Milvago chimachima Photo by Celuta Machado (Aves de Rapina Brasil) Common name:yellow-headed caracara (en); gavião-carrapateiro (pt); caracara à tête jaune (fr); chimachimá (es); gelbkopfkarakara (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is found from Costa Rica south to northern Argentina and Uruguay, only east of the Andes mountain chain. They also occur in Trinidad and Tobago.Size:These birds are…

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Striated caracara

Phalcoboenus australis Photo by Laurent Demongin (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:striated caracara (en); caracará-austral (pt); caracara austral (fr); caracara estriado (es); Falklandkarakara (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is only foundin Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands.Size:These birds are 53-65 cm long and have a wingspan of 114-124 cm. They weigh 1,2 kg.Habitat:The striated caracara is…

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Laughing falcon

Herpetotheres cachinnans Photo by Joaquim Mello (Flickr) Common name:laughing falcon (en); acauã (pt); macagua rieur (fr); halcón reidor (es); lachfalke (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is found from Mexico, throughout Central America and into South America as far south as Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, southern Brazil and marginally into northern Argentina.Size:These birds are 46-56 cm long and have…

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Mauritius kestrel

Falco punctatus Photo by Andy Jones (Flickr) Common name:Mauritius kestrel (en); peneireiro-das-Maurícias (pt); crécerelle de Maurice (fr); cernícalo de Mauricio (es); Mauritiusfalke (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is endemic to the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean, where it is mainly restricted to the south-western plateau.Size:These birds are 20-26 cm long and have a wingspan…

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Collared falconet

Microhierax caerulescens Photo by Guy Poisson (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:collared falconet (en); falcãozinho-de-colar (pt); fauconnet à collier (fr); falconete acollarado (es); rotkehlfälkchen (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is found in from Nepal, southern China ans northern India, through Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar, and into southern Vietnam and Thailand.Size:This tiny falcon is 15-18 cm long and…

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New Zealand falcon

Falco novaeseelandiae Photo by Steve Attwood (Steve X2) Common name:New Zealand falcon (en); falcão-maori (pt); faucon de Nouvelle-Zélande (fr); halcón maorí (es); maorifalke (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily FalconidaeRange:This species is endemic to New Zealand, being found in both the North Island and the South Island, as well as in Stewart Island and its outliers, and the Auckland Islands.Size:These…

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Southern crested caracara

Caracara plancus Photo by Luis Argerich (Wikipedia) Common name: southern crested caracara (en); caracará (pt); caracara huppé (fr); carancho (es); schopfkarakara (de) Taxonomy: Order Falconiformes Family Falconidae Range: This South American species if found from central Peru and Bolivia, east to the Amazon Delta, in Brazil, and south through Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina…

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