Red-cheeked parrot

Geoffroyus geoffroyi Photo by Mehd Halaouate (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:red-cheeked parrot (en); papagaio-de-faces-vermelhas (pt); perruche de Geoffroy (fr); lorito carirrojo (es); rotkopfpapagei (de)Taxonomy:Order PsittaciformesFamily PsittacidaeRange:This species is found in New Guinea and in other islands of eastern Indonesia including the Moluccas, the Lesser Sundas and Timor. There is also a population in the Cape…

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Cinereous ground-tyrant

Muscisaxicola cinereus Photo by Cristian Pinto (ArgentAvis) Common name:cinereous ground-tyrant (en); gaúcha-cinza (pt); dormilon cendré (fr); dormilona cenicienta (es); graubraun-grundtyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is found along the Andes mountain range, from southern Peru down to central Chile and western Argentina as far south as Chillán.Size:These birds are 15-17 cm long and weigh about 20…

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Ultramarine flycatcher

Ficedula superciliaris Photo by Michael Gillam (Flickr) Common name:ultramarine flycatcher (en); papa-moscas-azul-ultramarino (pt); gobemouche ultramarin (fr); papamoscas ultramarino (es); brauenschnäpper (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MuscicapidaeRange:This species breeds from eastern Afghanistan, through the Himalayas mountain range and into southern China. They migrate south to winter in southern China, Myanmar, northern Thailand and central and north-eastern India.Size:These birds are…

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Pheasant coucal

Centropus phasianinus Photo by James Niland (Flickr) Common name:pheasant coucal (en); cucal-faisão (pt); coucal faisan (fr); cucal faisán (es); fasanspornkuckuck (de)Taxonomy:Order CuculiformesFamily CuculidaeRange:This species is found in northern and eastern Australia, as far south as Sidney, and also in the lowlands of Papua New-Guinea and in the island of Timor both in Timor Leste and…

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Sierra Madre sparrow

Xenospiza baileyi Photo by Miguel Manzo (NaturaLista) Common name:Sierra Madre sparrow (en); escrevedeira-serrana (pt); bruant des sierras (fr); sabanero serrano (es); sierraammer (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily EmberizidaeRange:This species is endemic to central Mexico, where it only occurs in two disjunct areas, one in Distrito federal, near Mexico City, and another in southern Durango.Size:These birds are 14-15 cm…

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Copper-rumped hummingbird

Amazilia tobaci (Photo from Wikipedia) Common name:copper-rumped hummingbird (en); beija-flor-de-uropígio-acobreado (pt); ariane de Félicie (fr); amazilia de Tobago (es); kupferbürzelamazilie (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily TrochilidaeRange:This species is found throughout most of northern, central and eastern Venezuela, as well as in Trinidad and Tobago.Size:These birds are 8,5-11 cm long and weigh 4-5 g.Habitat:The copper-rumped hummingbird is found in…

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African golden weaver

Ploceus subaureus Photo by Guy Poisson (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:African golden weaver (en); tecelão-amarelo (pt); tisserin jaune (fr); tejedor dorado africano (es); goldweber (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PloceidaeRange:This species is found in East Africa, from south-eastern Kenya, through Tanzania and Mozambique, and into Swaziland and south-eastern South Africa.Size:This species is about 15 cm long. Males tend…

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Chinese pond-heron

Ardeola bacchus Photo by Foozi Saad (Trek Nature) Common name:Chinese pond-heron (en); papa-ratos-da-China (pt); crabier chinois (fr); garcilla china (es); Bacchusreiher (de)Taxonomy:Order Ciconiiformes Family ArdeidaeRange:This species breeds throughout the eastern half of China, as well as in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and marginally into extreme south-eastern Russia. They migrate south to winter from southern China south to…

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