Ochre-breasted brush-finch

Atlapetes semirufus Photo by Tony Morris (Wiki Aves de Colombia) Common name:ochre-brested brush-finch (en); tico-tico-de-peito-ocre (pt); tohi demi-roux (fr); atlapetes semirrufo (es); ockerbrust-buschammer (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily EmberizidaeRange:This species is found in the mountain of northern Venezuela and in the eastern slopes of the Andes in western Venezuela and northern Colombia as far south as Bogotá.Size:These birds…

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Vermiculated screech-owl

Megascops vermiculatus Photo by Arlene Koziol (Flickr) Common name:vermiculated screech-owl (en); corujinha- (pt); petit-duc vermiculé (fr); autillo vermiculado (es); kritzel-kreischeule (de)Taxonomy:Order StrigiformesFamily StrigidaeRange:This species is found from northern Costa Rica to Colombia, and along the Andes south to northern Bolivia. There are also separate populations in north-western Colombia and northern Venezuela, and in southern Venezuela,…

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Black-throated blue warbler

Dendroica caerulescens Photo by Paul Jones (Flickr) Common name:black-throated blue warbler (en); felosa-azul-de-garganta-preta (pt); paruline bleue (fr); reinita azulada (es); blaurücken-waldsänger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ParulidaeRange:This species breeds in south-eastern Canada, from southern Ontario to Nova Scotia, and southwards into the eastern United States as far south as Tennessee and northern Georgia. they migrate south to winter…

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Great potoo

Nyctibius grandis Photo by Philip Perry (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:great potoo (en); urutau-gigante (pt); grand ibijau (fr); nictibio grande (es); riesentagschläfer (de)Taxonomy:Order CaprimulgiformesFamily NyctibiidaeRange:This species is found from extreme southern Mexico, through Central America into Colombia, Venezuela and the Guyanas, and southwards east of the Andes down to central Bolivia, northern Paraguay and south-eastern…

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Minas gerais tyrannulet

Phylloscartes roquettei Photo by Nick Athanas (Antpitta) Common name:Minas Gerais tyrannulet (en); cara-dourada (pt); tyranneau de Minas Gerais (fr); orejerito de Minas Gerais (es); gelbbürzel-laubtyrann (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TyrannidaeRange:This species is endemic to south-eastern Brazil, only being found in northern Minas Gerais and southern Bahia.Size:These birds are 11-12 cm long and weigh about 8 g.Habitat:The Minas…

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Peruvian wren

Cinnycerthia peruana Photo by Nick Athanas (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:Peruvian wren (en); carriça-do-Perú (pt); troglodyte brun (fr); cucarachero peruano (es); sepiazaunkönig (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TroglodytidaeRange:This species is endemic to Peru, being found in the eastern Andes from Amazonas to Ayacucho.Size:These birds are 15,5-16 cm long and weigh about 20 g.Habitat:The Peruvian wren is found in…

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Wire-crested thorntail

Discosura popelairii Photo by Niels Dreyer (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:wire-crested thorntail (en); bandeirinha-de-Popelaire (pt); coquette de Popelaire (fr); rabudito crestado (es); haubenfadenelfe (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily TrochilidaeRange:This species is found along the eastern slopes of the Andes, from central Colombia to southern Peru.Size:These birds are sexually dimorphic. The females are 7,5-8 cm long, while the males…

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Mountain wren-babbler

Napothera crassa Photo by James Eaton (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:mountain wren-babbler (en); zaragateiro-pequeno-montês (pt); turdinule des montagnes (fr); ratina montana (es); blasskehltimalie (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TimaliidaeRange:This species is endemic to northern Borneo, being found along the border between Malaysia and Indonesia, and also in Brunei.Size:These birds are 14 cm long and weigh about 25 g.Habitat:The…

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