Hill blue-flycatcher

Cyornis banyumas Photo by P. Supat (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:hill blue-flycatcher (en); papa-moscas-das-colinas (pt); gobemouche des collines (fr); papamoscas de Banyumas (es); bergblauschnäpper (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MuscicapidaeRange:This species is found in south-east Asia, from the eastern Himalayas in north-eastern India, through southern China and Myanmar, and into northern Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and the Indonesian islands…

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Rattling cisticola

Cisticola chiniana (Photo from Internet Bird Collection) Common name:rattling cisticola (en); fuinha-chocalheira (pt); cisticole grinçante (fr); cistícola cascabel (es); rotscheitel-zistenänger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily CisticolidaeRange:This species is found in sub-Saharan Africa, from Ethiopia south to D.R. Congo, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia and Mozambique, and into northern Namibia, Botswana and north-eastern South Africa.Size:These birds are 12-15 cm long and…

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Rock shag

Phalacrocorax magellanicus Photo by Nick Athanas (Antpitta) Common name:rock shag (en); corvo-marinho-das-rochas (pt); cormoran de Magellan (fr); cormorán cuello negro (es); felsenscharbe (de) Taxonomy:Order PelecaniformesFamily Phalacrocoracidae  Range:This species breeds along the coasts of southern South America, in Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands. During winter they range north as far as the coasts of…

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White-spotted flufftail

Sarothrura pulchra Photo by Dave Curtis (Flickr) Common name:white-spotted flufftail (en); frango-d’água-pintado (pt); râle perlé (fr); polluela pulcra (es); perlenralle (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily RallidaeRange:This species is found is western and central Africa, from Senegal and The Gambia, along the coast of West Africa to Nigeria and then eastwards as far as western Kenya and south wards…

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Screaming cowbird

Molothrus rufoaxillaris Photo by Jorge Vicente (Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur) Common name:screaming cowbird (en); vira-bosta-picumã (pt); vacher criard (fr); tordo chillón (es); rotachsel-kuhstärling (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily IcteridaeRange:This species is found from south-eastern Bolivia and Goiás in central Brazil, through Paraguay and Uruguay and into Argentina as far south as Río Negro and north-eastern Chubut.Size:These birds are…

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Lilac-tailed parrotlet

Touit batavicus Photo by Cesar Villalba (Flickr) Common name:lilac-tailed parrotlet (en); apuim-de-sete-cores (pt); touit à sept couleurs (fr); cotorrita sietecolores (es); siebenfarbenpapagei (de)Taxonomy:Order PsittaciformesFamily PsittacidaeRange:This species is patchily distributed from northern Colombia, along northern Venezuela, and into Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana and possibly marginally across the border into Amapá, in extreme northern Brazil.Size:These birds are…

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Rufous-crested tanager

Creurgops verticalis Photo by Peter Franze (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:rufous-crested tanager (en); saíra-de-crista-ruiva (pt); tangara à cimier roux (fr); tangara crestirrufa (es); ockerschopftangare (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ThraupidaeRange:This species is found in the Andes, from central Colombia south to central Peru.Size:These birds are 15 cm long and weigh 21-27 g.Habitat:The rufous-crested tanager is found in humid…

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Blyth's kingfisher

Alcedo hercules (Photo from World Birds) Common name:Blyth’s kingfisher (en); guarda-rios-de-Blyth (pt); martin-pêcheur de Blyth (fr); martín pescador hércules (es); Herkules eisvogel (de)Taxonomy:Order CoraciiformesFamily AlcedinidaeRange:This species is found from extreme north-eastern India and eastern Nepal, into extreme southern China, and southwards into Myanmar, northern Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.Size:These birds are 22 cm long and weigh…

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