Red-faced spinetail

Cranioleuca erythrops Photo by Eduardo Letort (PBase) Common name:red-faced spinetail (en); arredio-de-faces-vermelhas (pt); synallaxe à face rouge (fr); curutié carirrojo (es); rotgesicht-baumschlüpfer (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily FurnariidaeRange:This species occurs in three disjunct subspecies. C.e. rufigenis is found in the mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama, C.e. griseigularis is found in extreme eastern Panama and along the…

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Jack snipe

Lymnocryptes mininus Photo by Dûrzan Cîrano (Wikipedia) Common name:jack snipe (en); narceja-galega (pt); bécassine sourde (fr); agachadiza chica (es); zwergschnepfe (de)Taxonomy:Order CharadriiformesFamily ScolopacidaeRange:This species breeds in Scandinavia, northern Belarus and in northern Russia as far east as Cherskly. They migrate south to winter in western Europe, around the Mediterranean, in sub-Saharan Africa as far south…

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Black-naped oriole

Oriolus chinensis Photo by Nick Dean (Flickr) Common name:black-naped oriole (en); papa-figos-de-nuca-preta (pt); loriot de Chine (fr); oropéndola china (es); schwarznackenpirol (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily OriolidaeRange:This species is found throughout eastern China, marginally into south-eastern Russia, in Korea, and also through the Philippines into Indonesia and Singapore. Population breeding in China, Russia and Korea migrate south and…

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Biscutate swift

Streptoprocne biscutata Photo by Pia Öberg (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:biscutate swift (en); andorinhão-de-coleira-falha (pt); martinet à collier interompu (fr); vencejo nuquiblanco brasileño (es); schildsegler (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily ApodidaeRange:This species is found along eastern Brazil, from Ceara south to Parana and northern Rio Grande do Sul, and also marginally into south-eastern Paraguay.Size:These birds are 20-22 cm…

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Blue-grey gnatcatcher

Polioptila caerulea (Photo from Internet Bird Collection) Common name:blue-grey gnatcatcher (en); balança-rabo-azulado (pt); gobemoucheron gris-bleu (fr); perlita grisilla (es); blaumückenfänger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PolioptilidaeRange:This species breeds in the North America, as far north as southern Oregon and southern Wyoming in the west, but as far as Michigan, Maine and marginally into Canada in the east, and…

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Antarctic petrel

Thalassoica antarctica Photo by François Guerraz (Wikipedia) Common name:Antarctic petrel (en); pintado-antárctico (pt); pétrel antarctique (fr); petrél antártico (es); Antarktiksturmvogel (de)Taxonomy:Order ProcellariiformesFamily ProcellariidaeRange:This species breeds along the coasts of Antarctica, as well as in nearby islands. They forage over the Southern Ocean, as far north as Tierra del Fuego and sometimes near southern New Zealand…

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Taiwan magpie

Urocissa caerulea Photo by R.S. Chiou (Flickr) Common name:Taiwan magpie (en); pega-da-Formosa (pt); pirolle de Taïwan (fr); urraca de Formosa (es); dickschnabelkitta (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily CorvidaeRange:This species is endemic to Taiwan, being found throughout most of the island with the exception of the western coast and the central mountains.Size:These birds are 63-68 cm long, including the…

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Parodi's hemispingus

Hemispingus parodii Photo by Fabrice Schmitt (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:Parodi’s hemispingus (en); hemispingo-de-Parodi (pt); tangara de Parodi (fr); hemispingo de Parodi (es); gelbbrauenhemispingus (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily ThraupidaeRange:This species is endemic to Peru, only being in the eastern slopes of the Andes in the south central part of the country, from the Cordillera Vilcabamba south to…

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