Green shrike-vireo

Vireolanius pulchellus Photo by Dominic Sherony (Wikipedia) Common name:green shrike-vireo (en); assobiador-verde (pt); smaragdan émeraude (fr); vireón esmeralda (es); smaragdvireo (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily VireonidaeRange:This species is found in Central America, from southern Mexico to Panama.Size:These birds are 13,5-14,5 cm long and weigh 22-30 g.Habitat:The green shrike-vireo is mostly found in the canopies of lowland rainforests, also…

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Band-tailed barbthroat

Threnetes ruckeri (Photo from Birds & Birds) Common name:band-tailed barbthroat (en); balança-rabo-de-Rücker (pt); ermite de Rücker (fr); ermitaño barbudo colibandeado (es); weißbinden-schattenkolibri (de)Taxonomy:Order ApodiformesFamily TrochilidaeRange:This species is found from southern Belize and eastern Guatemala south to north-western Venezuela, western Colombia and western Ecuador.Size:These birds are 10-11 cm long and weigh 5-7 g.Habitat:The band-tailed barbthroat is…

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Common newtonia

Newtonia brunneicauda Photo by David Cook (Flickr) Common name:common newtonia (en); newtonia-comum (pt); newtonie commune (fr); newtonia común (es); rostbauchnewtonie (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily SylviidaeRange:This species is endemic to Madagascar, being found throughout the country.Size:These birds are 12 cm long and weigh 7-14 g.Habitat:The common newtonia is mostly found in the undergrowth of both moist and dry…

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Lance-tailed manakin

Chiroxiphia lanceolata Photo by Nick Athanas (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:lance-tailed manakin (en); tangará-lanceolado (pt); manakin lancéolé (fr); saltarín lanceolado (es); lanzettschwanzpipra (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PipridaeRange:This species is found from south-western Costa Rica, through Panama and northern Colombia and into northern Venezuela as far east as the Gulf of Paria.Size:These birds are 13-13,5 cm long, including…

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Grey francolin

Francolinus pondicerianus Photo by Jugal Tiwari (Discover Life) Common name:grey francolin (en); francolim-cinzento (pt); francolin gris (fr); francolín gris (es); wachtelfrankolin (de)Taxonomy:Order GalliformesFamily PhasianidaeRange:This species is found throughout most of India and eastern Pakistan, and also into southern Nepal, southern Iran and marginally into Afghanistan. It has also been introduced to the south-eastern Arabian Peninsula,…

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Ashy cuckoo-shrike

Coracina cinerea Photo by Jonas Rosquist (PBase) Common name:ashy cuckoo-shrike (en); lagarteiro-de-Madagáscar (pt); échenilleur malgache (fr); oruguero Malgache (es); Madagaskarraupenfänger (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily CampephagidaeRange:This species isfound throughout the lowland areas of Madagascar and also in the Comoros.Size:These birds are 22-24 cm long and weigh 40-45 g.Habitat:The ashy cuckoo-shrike is mostly found in low to mid-altitude tropical…

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Northern goshawk

Accipiter gentilis Photo by Johan Stenlund (PBase) Common name:northern goshawk (en); açor (pt); autour des palombes (fr); azor común (es); habicht (de);Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily AccipitridaeRange:This species is widely distributed in Eurasia and North America. It is found throughout continental Europe and in Great Britain, and also in northern Morocco, in Turkey and the Caucasus, throughout most…

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Collared palm-thrush

Cichladusa arquata Photo by Ian White (Flickr) Common name:collared palm-thrush (en); tordo-das-palmeiras-de-colar (pt); cichladuse à collier (fr); zorzal-palmero acollarado (es); morgenrötel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily MuscicapidaeRange:This species is found from south-eastern D.R. Congo, northern Tanzania and south-eastern Kenya, through Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique and into north-eastern South Africa, northern Botswana and south-eastern Angola.Size:These birds are 17-18 cm…

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