Eurasian penduline-tit

Remiz pendulinus Photo by Armando Caldas (Flickr) Common name:Eurasian penduline-tit (en); chapim-de-faces-pretas (pt); rémiz penduline (fr); pájaro moscón europeo (es); beutelmeise (de) Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily Remizidae Range:The Eurasian penduline-tit breeds in Europe and western Asia, from the Iberian Peninsula north to southern Sweden and east to Turkey, Kazakhstan and southern Russia. The more northern populations migrate…

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Auriparus flaviceps Common name: verdin (en); chapim-de-face-dourada (pt); auripare verdin (fr); pájaro-moscón baloncito (es); goldköpfchen (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Remizidae Range: This species is found in the souht-west of the United States, from Colorado and California to Texas, and in northern Mexico from Baja California to the Gulf of Mexico. They are especially common…

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