Gambel's quail

Callipepla gambelii Photo by John Mosesso (Wikipedia) Common name:Gambel’s quail (en); colim-de-elmo (pt); colin de Gambel (fr); colín de Gambel (es); helmwachtel (de)Taxonomy:Order GalliformesFamily OdontophoridaeRange:This species is found in the western United States and north-western Mexico, from southern Nevada and Utah, through Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas, and into Sonora and Sinaloa along the…

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Bearded wood-partridge

Dendrortyx barbatus (Photo from Polski Kurnik) Common name:bearded wood-partridge (en); codorniz-de-Veracruz (pt); colin barbu (fr); colín barbudo (es); bartwachtel (de)Taxonomy:Order GalliformesFamily OdontophoridaeRange:This species is endemic to Mexico, being confined to a few areas in Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, north and east of Mexico City.Size:These birds are 22-36 cm long and weigh…

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Spotted wood-quail

Odontophorus guttatus Photo by Micah Riegner (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:spotted wood-quail (en); uru-malhado (pt); tocro tacheté (fr); corcovado goteado (es); tropfenwachtel (de)Taxonomy:Order GalliformesFamily OdontophoridaeRange:This species is found in southern Mexico, in Veracruz and Chiapas, and also in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and western Panama.Size: These birds are 23-26,5 cm and weigh 280-300 g.Habitat:The spotted wood-quail…

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Montezuma quail

Cyrtonyx montezumae Photo by Simon Valdez (Flickr) Common name:Montezuma quail (en); codorniz-de-Montezuma (pt); colin arlequin (fr); colín de Moctezuma (es); Montezumawachtel (de)Taxonomy:OrderGalliformesFamily OdontophoridaeRange:This species is found across Mexico and marginally into the southern United States in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.Size:These birds are 21-23 cm long and weigh 175-210 g.Habitat:The Montezuma quail is found in…

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Crested bobwhite

Colinus cristatus Photo by Karla León (Internet Bird Collection) Common name:crested bobwhite (en); uru-do-campo (pt); colin huppé (fr); codorniz crestada (es); haubenwachtel (de)Taxonomy:Order GalliformesFamily OdontophoridaeRange:This species is found from Costa Rica to western Colombia and northern Brazil. They are also found on the island of Aruba in the Netherlands Antilles.Size:These birds are 18-24 cm long and weigh…

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Mountain quail

Oreortyx pictus Common name: mountain quail (en); codorniz-da-montanha (pt); colin des montagne (fr); codorniz picta (es); bergwachtel (de) Taxonomy: Order Galliformes Family Odontophoridae Range: This species is found along the Pacific coast of North America, from Oregon to California, in the United States, and down to Baja California in Mexico. Size: Mountain quails are 26-28…

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