White-faced storm-petrel

Pelagodroma marina Photo by Philip Griffin (New Zealand Birds Online) Common name:white-faced storm-petrel (en); calcamar (pt); océanite frégate (fr); paíño pechialbo (es); fregattensturmschwalbe (de)Taxonomy:Order ProcellariiformesFamily HydrobaridaeRange:The white-faced storm-petrel breeds in remote oceanic islands in the Atlantic, such as Tristão da Cunha, Cape Verde, the Canary islands and the Selvagem islands, as well as on the…

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European storm-petrel

Hydrobates pelagicus Photo by Armando Caldas (Flickr) Common name:European storm-petrel (en); alma-de-mestre (pt); océanite tempête (fr); paíño europeo (es); sturmschwalbe (de)Taxonomy:Order ProcellariiformesFamily HydrobatidaeRange:This species breeds on inaccessible islands in the north Atlantic and western Mediterranean, from iceland, through the Faroe islands and the British isles and into Iberia and as far east as Malta. They also…

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Fork-tailed storm-petrel

Oceanodroma furcata Common name: fork-tailed storm-petrel (en); paínho-de-cauda-furcada (pt); océanite à queue fourchue (fr); paíño rabihorcado (es); gabelschwanz-wellenläufer (de) Taxonomy: Order Procellariiformes Family Hydrobatidae Range: This species is found in the northern Pacific, breeding on the Aleutian islands off Alaska, and on islands along the coasts of British Columbia in Canada and the Pacific Northwest…

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