Cliff swallow

Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Photo from Birds) Common name:cliff swallow (en); andorinha-de-dorso-acanelado (pt); hirondelle à front blanc (fr); golondrina de alcantarilla (es); fahlstirnschwalbe (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily HirundinidaeRange:This species breeds throughout most of North America, migrating south to winter in South America, from Venezuela to northern Argentina.Size:These birds are 13-15 cm long and have a wingspan of 28-30 cm. They weigh…

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Eurasian crag martin

Ptyonoprogne rupestris Photo by Ahmet Karatash (Trek Nature) Common name: Eurasian crag martin (en); andorinha-das-rochas (pt); hirondelle de rochers (fr); avión roquero (es); felsenschwalbe (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Hirundinidae Range: This species is found from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco, along the Mediterranean coasts, and through Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan all the way…

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Lesser striped swallow

Hirundo abyssinica Photo by Jack Versloot (Wikipedia) Common name: lesser striped swallow (en); andorinha-estriada-pequena (pt); hirondelle striée (fr); golondrina abisinia (es); maidschwalbe (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Hirundinidae Range: This species is found in sub-Saharan Africa from Sierra Leone and southern Sudan south into eastern South Africa. Size: These birds are 15-19 cm long and…

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Red-rumped swallow

Hirundo daurica Common name: red-rumped swallow (en); andorinha-dáurica (pt); hirondelle rousseline (fr); golondrina dáurica (es); rötelschwalbe (de) Taxonomy: Order Passeriformes Family Hirundinidae Range: This species is a common, but patchily distributed breeder in southern Europe, being found from Portugal and Spain, through France, Italy, the Balkans, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and into Turkey. They also breed…

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