Indian spotted eagle

Aquila hastata (Photo from Nitins) Common name:Indian spotted eagle (en); águia-índia (pt); aigle lancéolé (fr); águila moteada hindú (es); Indischer schreiadler (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily AccipitridaeRange:This species is found in northern India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and possibly also Cambodja.Size:These birds are 59-67 cm long and have a wingspan of 154-168 cm. They weigh 1,4-1,8 kg.Habitat:Indian spotted eagle are…

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Red kite

Milvus milvus Photo by Thomas Kraft (Wikipedia) Common name:red kite (en); milhafre-real (pt); milan royal (fr); milano real (es); rotmilan (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily AccipitridaeRange:The red kite is almost entirely restricted to Europe, being found from southern Sweden and the Baltic, through Poland and Germany and into France, Great Britain, Italy and the Iberian Peninsula. There is…

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Cape vulture

Gyps coprotheres (Photo from ELLF) Common name:Cape vulture (en); abutre-do-Cabo (pt); vautour chassefiente (fr); buitre de El Cabo (es); Kapgeier (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily AccipitridaeRange:This species is found in southern Africa, being patchily distributed across Namibia, southern Zimbabwe, south-eastern Botswana , southern Mozambique and eastern South Africa. They sometimes wander across the border into Angola.Size:These birds are…

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Crowned solitary eagle

Harpyhaliaetus coronatus (Photo from Flickriver) Common name:crowned solitary eagle (en); águia-cinzenta (pt); buse couronnée (fr); águila coronada (es); zaunadler (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily AccipitridaeRange:This South American species is found in southern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.Size:These birds are 75-85 cm long and have a wingspan of 170-185 cm. They weigh 2,9-3,5 kg.Habitat:Crowned solitary eagles are found in semi-open…

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Bat hawk

Macheiramphus alcinus Photo by Gary Albert (Wikipedia) Common name: bat hawk (en); milhafre-morcegueiro (pt); milan des chauves-souris (fr); milano murcielaguero (es); fledermausaar (de) Taxonomy: Order Falconiformes Family Accipitridae Range: This species is found throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal to Ethiopia and south through the D.R. Congo, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola down to South…

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Wedge-tailed eagle

Aquila audax Photo by Julian Robinson (Oz Animals) Common name: wedge-tailed eagle (en); águia-australiana (pt); aigle d’Australie (fr); águila audaz (es); keilschwanzadler (de) Taxonomy: Order Falconiformes Family Accipitridae Range: This species is found throughout mainland Australia, Tasmania and southern New Guinea. Size: The wedge-tailed eagle is 87-105 cm long and has a wingspan of 1,8-2,5…

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Grey-faced buzzard

Butastur indicus Photo by Richard Yu (Formosa Birding) Common name: grey-faced buzzard (en); bútio-de-faces-cinzentas (pt); busautour à joues grises (fr); busardo carigrís (es); kiefernteesa (de) Taxonomy: Order Falconiformes Family Accipitridae Range: This species breeds in south-eastern Russia all the way to the Russian far east, in northern China, Korea and Japan. They migrate south to…

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Pacific marsh harrier

Circus approximans Photo by Wayne Butterworth (Wikipedia) Common name: Pacific marsh harrier (en); tartaranhão-dos-paúis-do-Pacífico (pt); busard de Gould (fr); aguilucho lagunero del Pacífico (es); sumpfweihe (de) Taxonomy: Order Falconiformes Family Accipitridae Range: This species is widespread in Australasia and the South Pacific, being found in much of Australia (except the arid regions), New Zealand, Fiji,…

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