Freckled duck

Stictonetta naevosa Photo by Dick Daniels (Wikipedia) Common name:freckled duck (en); pato-sardento (pt); sitctonette tachetée (fr); pato pecoso (es); affenente (de)Taxonomy:Order AnseriformesFamily AnatidaeRange:This species is found in wetlands in south-eastern and south-western Australia.Size:These birds are 48-59 cm long and have a wingspan of 75-85 cm. They weigh 0,8-1 kg.Habitat:The frecked duck is mostly found in…

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Tasmanian scrubwren

Sericornis humilis Photo by J.J. Harrison (Wikipedia) Common name:Tasmanian scrubwren (en); acantiza-do-mato-castanha (pt); séricorne brun (fr); sedosito pardo (es); Tasmansericornis (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily AcanthizidaeRange:This species is endemic to Tasmania, King Island and other offshore islands in the Tasmanian region.Size:These birds are 12-15 cm long and weigh about 18 g.Habitat:The Tasmanian scrubwren is mostly found in dense…

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Puff-throated bulbul

Alophoixus pallidus Photo by António Gonçalves (Flickr) Common name:puff-throated bulbul (en); tuta-pálido (pt); bulbul pâle (fr); bulbul pálido (es); blassbauch-haubenbülbül (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PycnonotidaeRange:This species is found in southern China, eastern Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.Size:These birds are 23 cm long.Habitat:The puff-throated bulbul is found in moist tropical forests, mainly in lowland areas, but also…

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Great cormorant

Phalacrocorax carbo Photo by Björn Dellming (PBase) Common name:great cormorant (en); corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas (pt); grand cormoran (fr); cormorán grande (es); kormoran (de)Taxonomy:Order PelecaniformesFamily PhalacrocoracidaeRange:This widespread species is found throughout most of Europe, central and southern Asia, north-western and eastern Africa, along the coast of eastern North America, and throughout Australia.Size:These large cormorants are 70-100 cm long…

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Tristan thrush

Nesocichla eremita Photo by Garry Bakker (PBase) Common name:Tristan thrush (en); tordo-de-Tristão da Cunha (pt); grive de Tristan da Cunha (fr); zorzal de Tristán da Cunha (es); Tristandrossel (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TurdidaeRange:This species is endemic to Tristan da Cunha, in the South Atlantic Ocean, where it is found on Tristan, Inaccessible, Nightingale, Middle and Stoltenhoff islands.Size:These…

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Pearl kite

Gampsonyx swainsonii Photo by Douglas Oliveira (Aves de Rapina Brasil) Common name:pearl kite (en); gaviãozinho (pt); élanion perle (fr); elanio enano (es); perlaar (de)Taxonomy:Order FalconiformesFamily AccipitridaeRange:This species is found from Nicaragua south to Bolivia and northern Argentina, also occuring in the island of Trinidad.Size:These birds are 20-23 cm long and have a wingspan of 50-58…

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Crested bellbird

Oreoica gutturalis Photo by Eric Tan (Feathers and Photos) Common name:crested bellbird (en); sibilante-de-crista (pt); carillonneur huppé (fr); silbador campanillero (es); haubendickkopf (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily PachycephalidaeRange:This species is endemic to Australia, being found throughout most of the country, with the exception of the northernmost and easternmost areas.Size:These birds are 19-23 cm long and weigh 60-70 g.Habitat:The…

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Scaly-crowned babbler

Malacopteron cinereum Photo by Peter Ericsson (Oriental Bird Images) Common name:scaly-crowned babbler (en); zaragateiro-de-barrete-escamado (pt); akalat à calotte maillée (fr); tordina coroniescamada (es); rotstirn-zweigtimalie (de)Taxonomy:Order PasseriformesFamily TimaliidaeRange:This species is found from Vietnam and Thailand to the Indonesian islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java.Size:These birds are 16 cm long and weigh 14-21 g.Habitat:The scaly-croned babbler is…

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